Our Programs

Transforming Lives Through Our Community Clinic Programs.

Vaccinations For Children

Vaccinations For Children

At SmartCare Community Clinic Inc. we are a registered Vaccines For Children (VFC) provider, offering eligible children cost-free vaccinations.

Vaccinations not only protect the individual but also contribute to herd immunity, benefiting the entire community. Financial constraints should not be a barrier to accessing vaccines. The VFC program, funded by the federal government, aims to provide vaccines to those in greatest need. By purchasing vaccines in bulk and distributing them to eligible recipients, the program helps promote broader vaccination coverage.

By making vaccines more accessible, we can protect children and enhance the overall health of our communities.

Presumptive Eligibility (PE) for Pregnant Women

SmartCare Community Clinic Inc participates in the Presumptive Eligibility for Pregnant Women (PEPW) program, providing support to pregnant women with limited resources who are awaiting Medi-Cal approval.

PEPW offers outpatient services and prescription medications for pregnant women who cannot afford these treatments independently. The program serves as a temporary solution for those who have applied for Medi-Cal, which provides free or affordable health coverage to eligible California residents.

Eligible patients must be low-income California residents who have applied for Medi-Cal but have not yet received approval. The program grants temporary coverage for prescription drugs and outpatient prenatal care but does not cover inpatient care, labor, or delivery.

Applicants must first prove their California residency and complete an application to determine eligibility. They must also have initiated a Medi-Cal application through the County Department of Social Services and provide proof before their temporary coverage expires.

If pregnancy is confirmed by healthcare professionals at SmartCare, eligible women receive a temporary Medi-Cal Beneficiary Identification Card, valid for up to two months. This card covers specific pregnancy-related services but not the entire Medi-Cal offering.

Once this process is complete, we can perform a preliminary examination and schedule an appointment for you.

Presumptive Eligibility (PE) for Pregnant Women